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How do I Register for Livestream shopping?
How do I connect my new account to Messenger?
After creating an account, click "My Account" and then select "Connect Messenger."
I already have an account. How do I login in?
First, login to your Facebook or Instagram account on your phone or laptop. Find our livestream on your feed or search for our page @pacificbeads. Click on the livestream to join the chat. Type in "Register" and click the link you receive to verify you are logged in. Then, comment to claim items!
Why do I not see the discounted prices in my cart that were listed Live?
During the Livestream, our owner and host Shlomo lists the price you see in your cart and then the discounted price. To be given a discount, you MUST input the 'Coupon Code' that is associated with the Livestream for that day. It will be said verbally and posted in-chat.
I want an in-store pickup and I cannot complete my order
At checkout, be sure to include an address even if you are an in-store pickup. Without it, you cannot complete your order at checkout.
I want an in-store pickup and I cannot complete my order
In the Livestream chat, comment "Sold [item number] [size]" of the item being displayed.